Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enterprise Unified Process

The Enterprise Unified ProcessTM(EUP) is an extension to the RUP.People familiar with RUP can see that the extensions include two new phases, Production and Retirement, and several new disciplines: Operations and Support and the seven enterprise disciplines:
To know the details kindly look for an interesting presentation here on EUP.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Experience with RUP and Agile Methodology Workshop

It was on 19 December 2008 that we had a workshop on "RUP and Agile Methodology" conducted by Mr. Parag Shah.

I like the way he teaches us explaining each and every thing leaving no stone unturned.He generally explains everything with an example even if it is a simple thing which is very good because we may be able to understand the theory but do not understand the practical implications of those things.

Although, I took off a few moments to take a quick catnap in between sometimes since these were day long lectures .....;) but still I was listening to most part of the lecture attentively since it was generally interesting topic for me. Being a student of Software Development and Management I was working on a Development Project during my Internship in Parametric Technology Corporation , Pune ( areee apni PTC) where I used a type of Agile Methodology i.e. SCRUM to manage my project.

At that time I was not well versed with "RUP and Agile Methodology" but was able to implement maximum posssible stages as explained in RUP just to a point where it was just enough to achieve the respective milestones of all phases.I was not able to identify all the phases of RUP i.e. Inception ,Elaboration, Construction , Transition and deliver the right deliverables at right time. But after attending this workshop I can now identify and differentiate between various phases and conclude that I was not able to deliver all the deliverables according to phases and so I suppose my project was suffering from Schedule slippage.

I must appretiate the way this lecture series has helped me learn a lot of things related to Project Management.

Basically there are 4 Lifecycle phases and 9 Engineering Disciplines in an RUP Process according to which milestones are set and deliverables are decided( should be decided ) for any project.

RUP gives due importance to Designing Process and Implementation. Basically all the 9 disciplines i.e Business Modelling, Requirement, Analysis and Design,Implementation, Test,Deployment,Configuration nad Change management ,Project Management and Enviornment are taken up from the Inception Phase itself rather then taking them up in later stages. This ensures the increasing reliability of the project phase by phase more like a Spiral Model of Software Development.

The diagram depicting RUP clearly shows how each phase of RUP Process is important i.e. in each phase some of the 9 disciplines is considered to be more important then others like in Inception Phase high priority is given to Business modelling and Requirement Gathering. Similarily in Elaboration Phase due importance is given to Analysis and Design , Implementation of the Project and so on.

After learning about RUP the next workshop was on Agile Methodology.In this sir explained us the concept of Agile by explaining the "Agile Manifesto" prepared by the fathers of Agile Methodology.It clearly states that Agile means 4 things"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ;Working software over comprehensive documentation ;Customer collaboration over contract negotiation; Responding to change over following a plan."

Meanwhile , I was also adding examples of SCRUM to complement the explaination given by Sir.I was explaining how SCRUM worked i.e. how we used to have stand up meetings every week (for my internship project) and decided on a particular set of requirements to be completed in the coming week . This week was known as SPRINT .Then I also touched upon the fact that due to SPRINT Backlogs each week I was not able to achieve all the milestones on time resulting in Schedule Slippage.

Then Sir moved forward with the concept of Extreme Programming a type of Agile Methodology .And with this he concluded his lecture .

After this we were asked to work on a project which uses the concept of RUP or Agile Methodology to gaurantee that all have understood the concept well.We took up "Customer Information System" to implement the concept.

I will conclude my blog with this since have to rush for my class...:( but will soon come up with a new idea and a new experience . Till then enjoy.